Patient 1
Before surgery
This patient underwent a secondary facelift (several years prior by a different surgeon), neck lift, and lower eyelid blepharoplasty. As a second procedure, the patient had fat grafting to targeted areas.
Patient 1
After surgery
Improvement is subtle resulting in a look that is more natural and age appropriate without looking like she had surgical intervention.Note the face is more oblique despite her strong jaw line, flattening of wrinkles at the lower eyelid and lip-cheek junction (nasolabial folds). The neck has a substantially more acute angle which highlights the inherent beauty of her face.
Patient 2
Before surgery
This patient underwent a neck only lift. A full facelift was not performed. Limited improvement can be achieved from a small incision under the chin. Some patients require more lifting with removal of skin from behind the ears and sutures to lift hanging neck tissues.
Patient 2
After surgery
Here we see a more refined neck and jaw line. The fullness is gone and the platysma muscle is tightened. The natural skin laxity is age appropriate - thus, hiding the fact of surgical intervention. Improvement in skin laxity would require an incision behind the ears which this patient did not want. The neck truly is the pedastal for the face.
Patient 3
Before surgery
This patient did not like the fullness of her upper eyelids. We see the white of her eyes (sclera) above her iris (color part of the eye) as she is trying to hold her eyes open more subconsciously. An upper eyelid blepharoplasty was performed on both sides.
Patient 3
After surgery
Here we see her 3 months postoperatively. She has a well defined upper eyelid crease and relaxed eyes (no scleral show).